Wellness Care

Reach out to Dr. Alan Levine and Dr. Allison Levine of Levine Family Chiropractic if you’re seeking treatment from the top wellness clinic in Livingston, NJ.

What Are the Advantages Presented by Wellness Clinics?

Following years of exclusively relying on conventional medicine, you may find yourself frustrated by the lack of results. The chronic conditions you sought treatment for years ago may still be bothering you today. At best, conventional medicine may only give you temporary relief.

Better options are available if you’re seeking lasting relief. Those options are available at your local wellness clinic.

Unlike facilities that rely exclusively on conventional medicine, wellness clinics take a whole-person approach to administering treatment. Chiropractors at wellness clinics perform thorough diagnostics to identify all your symptoms and their potential causes. By adopting that comprehensive approach, you can expect the service providers at wellness clinics to offer more effective treatment. You won’t have to worry about your symptoms resurfacing because the treatments get to the origin of your chronic conditions.

Wellness clinics also prioritize treatment solutions that promote natural healing. They try not to depend on medications that could cause potentially harmful side effects. If you had unpleasant experiences after taking certain forms of medication and hope to reduce your reliance on them, you should strongly consider receiving treatment at a wellness clinic.

The chiropractors at wellness centers also put together long-term health plans for their patients. Tell your provider about your wellness goals so they can create a plan that ideally suits your needs. Continue attending appointments with your provider so they can modify your wellness plan if necessary.

Your local wellness center can help you achieve your long-term health goals. Work with Dr. Alan Levine and Dr. Allison Levine of Levine Family Chiropractic to ensure you receive treatment from the top wellness clinic in Livingston, NJ.

What Services Are Available at Your Local Wellness Clinic?

Wellness centers offer varied services to their patients. Chief among those services are chiropractic adjustments. Chiropractic adjustments excel at treating chronic conditions that are caused by joint misalignments.

Therapeutic exercises may also be included in your treatment regimen to alleviate your symptoms and strengthen your body. Regularly performing those exercises can speed up your recovery.

You should also consider treatment options such as cold laser therapy, cryotherapy, electrical muscle stimulation, and therapeutic ultrasound if you wish to recover faster. Those therapies can activate your body’s healing response and facilitate faster recovery from soft tissue injuries.

Call 973-992-9492 and speak to Dr. Alan Levine and Dr. Allison Levine of Levine Family Chiropractic to schedule your appointment at the top wellness clinic in Livingston, NJ.


9:00 am - 1:00 pm


9:00 am - 11:00 am


9:00 am - 6:00 pm




9:00 am - 6:00 pm


9:00 am - 12:00 pm



9:00 am - 1:00 pm
9:00 am - 11:00 am
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
9:00 am - 12:00 pm